
时间:2020-04-15 11:22:00   来源:环球网校     [字体: ]
【# 宝胜线上娱乐# #宝胜线上娱乐#】水滴石穿,绳锯木断。备考需要一点点积累才能到达好的效果。©无忧考网为您提供了“宝胜线上娱乐”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注©无忧考网!

The Treaty’s comprehensive defence against industry tactics includes measures to reduce the illicit trade in tobacco products, address issues of liability, support economically viable alternative crops and protect public health policies from undue pressure.


The Framework Convention is clearly working to safeguard health in all countries that have adopted and enforced it. Yet, as the reports from States parties show, we have a long way to go. I urge all parties to fully meet their obligations under the Treaty, and I call on the few countries that have not yet become parties to do so. Together, we can halt the tobacco epidemic and the many problems it brings.


On this World No Tobacco Day, let us push for progress that will cut tobacco-related deaths and enliven the battle against other non-communicable diseases, helping to create a healthier world for all.



Far too many families endure chronic, punishing hardship. Lacking jobs and the means to make ends meet, adults are unable to provide adequate nutrition for children, leaving them with lifelong physical and cognitive scars. Other family members can suffer neglect and deprivation. Poverty continues to claim the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year in childbirth.


Social exclusion is often at the root of the problem. Discrimination and unequal access to social services deprive families of the opportunity to plan a better future for their children.


Certain types of families are at particular risk, including large families, single-parent families, families where the main breadwinners are unemployed or suffer from illness or disability, families with members who suffer discrimination based on sexual orientation, and families living in urban slums or rural areas. Indigenous and migrant families, as well as those living through conflict or unrest, are also on the front lines of marginalization and deprivation.

一些类型家庭尤其面临风险,包括大家庭、单亲家庭、主劳力失业或身患疾病或残疾的家庭、有成员受到基于性取向的歧视的家庭和城市贫民窟或农村地区的家庭。土著和移民家庭以及那些处于冲突或动 乱之中的家庭,也首当其冲地面临边缘化和赤贫问题。