【#头号玩家老头是谁# #头号玩家老头是谁#】备考英语专八考试的同学们,无忧考英语频道特别整理了《头号玩家老头是谁》一文,希望对大家备考有所帮助,在此预祝大家顺利通过考试。
Life is like a glass of wine, never ceasing to offer wonders to those who truly love it. Holding the glass in the hand, you will observe the dark red tainted with blood, which justly symbols the trace of life. Taking a sip and recollecting its aftertaste in the mouth, you will taste the sweetness mixed with a bit of bitterness, a taste as complicated and eclusive as life is. Once you swallow the sip, the lingering aroma will refresh the heart and mind, leaving the drinker life-long benefits. How remarkably wine resembles life: the longer the wine ages, the mellower it may taste; the more you experience, the more life may reward you. Life, at its twilight, becomes a good wine waiting to be savored, calm and profound in its color yet full of generosity and wisdom in its flavor.
本文关键字: 英语专八翻译 专八翻译