> GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目: 83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely re...">


时间:2017-03-22 16:21:00   来源:无忧考网     [字体: ]
  • 新东方金牌直冲高分!2017年GRE考试全程课程火热开售中>>

  • GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:

    83"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."


    83 wilderness areas受到 human civilization 威胁,政府需要保护


    since the humans arrived in Australia, the species there have decreased sharply

    The significance of preservation has already been seen in Australia, where lots of regulations have

    been set by the government to protect the wilderness areas, its wildlife have been preserved and

    thrived significantly.


    Take the depletion of ozone layer in Antarctica as example. Due to the wildly use of refrigerator, a lot

    of gases spread to the atmosphere and thus leads to a thinner Ozone Layer. The Ozone Layer helps

    prevent unwanted ultraviolet radiation ,hence the temperature of the world is not too high. However,

    because of the depletion of Ozone Layer in Antarctica, the temperature in this area rises ,therefore the

    iceberg in this area thaw out and consequently result in a higher level of Ocean, which means a

    disaster to human beings.

    3、政府有责任 undeniable mission保护环境,个人的力量有限,政府可以采取更有效措施

    Tibetan Antelope Tibetan pleatue

    There is a long-standing non-governmental organization called wild yak team. Although they do

    many thing to combat with those evil strugglers, their efforts are slim. The first difficulty is that they

    have no right to punish those evil strugglers. The only thing they could do is try to prevent those evil

    struggles. However their strength is too weak compared to the strugglers. Another difficulty they face

    to is that they even can’t ensure their survival. They can’t get money from the wild yak team,

    meanwhile most of their time are spent on protecting Tibetan Antelope and could not do other things

    to earn money.



    1 荒野地带对生态环境有很大影响biological diversity natural balance

    2 荒野地带对科研有很大作用

    3 适当的利用

    83 这些地方往往是具有生态价值,保护这些地方有利于生态的平衡,如果被破坏则很难恢复。比如国家公园,保护





    83【题目】"Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even

    though these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people."





    物种可能会灭绝;第二,野生自然地区的状况对于环境、气候影响也有影响; 99


    护;举例人们对于象牙 ivory


    3、政府是有效的保护手段,如通过法律,很多国家都有相关的规定来保护;如:the 1964 Wilderness Act,自



    一、应该保护 virgin lands, 不然被破坏,为了 descendants。比 individual effective

    二、保护动植物 For the purpose of protecting wild animals and plants, government needs to take


    1.研究生物进化,和基因多样性provide abundant original information for the study of evolution, and add

    rich diversity to genetics.

    2.不保护可能灭绝,chain, delicate balance

    3. 即使很偏远,take heart from extremely high profits,比如 Tibetan Antelopes

    三、对于有丰富资源的地区there may be rich energy sources or mineral resources in the wilderness areas.

    1.如果不保护等于让私人开采,而私人没有兴趣保护,violently, inefficiently

    2.为了应对能源危机,为了留给后代 scientifically exploit

    四、不保护就没机会了 as some damages are irreversible, present inaction is tantamount to forever loss.

    1.Ancient time形成的 Amazon rainforests 被砍伐,新雨林成长的时间很长,而这期间 ecosystem may not

    revive from human damages

    2.Butterfly effect,全球变暖和 deforestation

    五、有人建议私人基金或非政府组织 the argument against the claim which some opponents suggest may

    be non-government organizations like environmentalist association can also do well in protecting the

    wild areas.

    1.资金不足,因为没什么利润 capital abundance

    2.不具备强制性 powerful coercion

    83T "Government should preserve publicly owned wilderness areas in their natural state, even though

    these areas are often extremely remote and thus accessible to only a few people." 83. 政府应该保护


    ① 从环境的角度考虑,理所应当。留给人类后一份美丽。To the environment's sake, it is necessary to do

    so. Leaving some pristine not polluted surrounding to the posterity, and remain the last resident

    to the prosecuted and protected animals. /这些地方通常还有独特的民族文化

    ② 为后代子孙造福,不仅从经济,也从学术研究的角度。经济上:可能有能源 energy sources 或矿产 mineral

    resources.研究上:可能可以提供物种变化 species variety 以及地球演变 earth evolvement 等原始资料


    ③ 随着科技的发展,A 这些地方越来越容易遭到破坏 B 这些地方一旦破坏,会给周边的大环境带来影响, 如:

    Amazon Tropical rainforest C这些破坏往往都是难以恢复的。

    所以政府要保护环境。So the government should keep an eye on the protection on the wildnes