> GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目: 87"In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries." GRE写作精讲之提纲解析: ...">


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  • GRE写作题库之GRE作文题目:

    87"In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."


    87 beginner会有一些发现优势,但专家的发现更有价值

    1、承认beginner因 curiosity 和 courage,容易比保守专家发现问题,innovate, critical thinking

    Watson and Crick, the discoverers of DNA structure, are the beginners in biology.

    Einstein published four most famous papers in his twenties. And once he said,” when I first touch the

    theory of classic mechanic, I feel that there are some problems in it." It is his ability of critical thinking

    and not to agree the authority blindly, that finally results that he put forward to the famous theory of

    relativity and lead the people to explore the world of microcosmic and high-speed.


    The institute of mathematics in Chinese Academy of Science receives hundreds of letters from

    amateurs every year, each of them claims that he has proved Goldbach's conjecture. But the

    mathematicians find that most of these demonstrations lack the elementary knowledge of the number

    theory, and none of so-called demonstrations can be verified.

    Newton once said :"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.", and these

    "shoulders of giants" are knowledge, methods, experience that had been passed down from our

    antecessor, and these are the foundations of making a discovery.

    3、专家 ready to make significant discoveries

    Darwin, for instance, devoted himself in biology since he was a child, and after long time

    investigation and researching, he found that all species were evolved by natural selection from simple

    and preliminary conditions, and wrote his famous book "The Origin of Species".

    Another, Einstein, who found the special and general relativity, the theory that revolutionized

    modern thought on the nature of space and time, based on decades of working in physics. Even in art

    world, the discoveries are still made upon long time studying. A case in point is Monet, a famous

    painter known as the founder of impressionism, spent most of his life examining the effect of changing

    light and atmosphere on a subject.



    1 研究领域中,创新和开放的思维是非常重要的品质。只有这样,才能取得突破。一个新人往往就具有这种品质, 103


    一部新手创造的历史,量子物理见证了一批不到 30 岁的后来诺贝尔奖获得者,比如说 Niels Bohr提出原子结构模

    型的时候只有 28 岁,而Werner Heisenberg 提出他的 the Uncertainty Principle的时候才 24岁。之所以新手



    2 但是,老手的作用更加明显。他们在领域中已努力了很多年,积攒了大量的知识和经验,研究历大多数的成

    果和发现都是经过成千上百次的实验得到的。比如 Faraday 的第一部发电机,他失败了上百次,甚至差点被电死,

    终积攒了大量经验才成功。还有,很多时候幸运在很多次失败后才会眷顾你,Alexander Fleming也是在做了成

    千上百次的实验才偶然发现了 Penicillin,才被后人永远铭记。另外,新手做出发现也是因为有很多老手的知识的帮


    3 总之,如果一个领域要有成果,必须在老手和新手之间形成一种合作关系。新手大胆创新,并且不惧失败的做实







    1 定义调研-任何一个旨在扩充知识,排除质疑,解决问题的过程

    2 引申定义-所谓得出重要发现,就是“调研的初衷(为什么要做这个调研?)”+每种类型怎么达到目标的方法

    3 调研的过程-设计一个调研+收集数据+分析结果得出报告和结论

    4 分别从每一个步骤来比较新手和老手

    5 比较 1-设计调研-一个调研如何产生-往往是对未知的好奇,对已知的怀疑,对已发生的问题的解决-在这过程


    6 比较 2-收集数据-如何收集?-设定样本范围+采样+统计-在这个过程中,新手……,老手……

    7 比较 3-分析数据得出结论-其核心是实事求是的反映事实,然后预测趋势,发展,揭示规律,后落到建议或解


    8 结论

    87 在所有的研究领域中,新手要比专家更有可能获得重要的发现。


    1. 新手确实有一定的优势,他们对新事物充满了 passion,充满了好奇心。这种动力使得他们勇于去探索新的


    2. 新手敢于挑战权威的理论。正是由于他们是新手,因此在看待问题的时候不会受固有思想的左右,能够从一

    个全新的角度去看问题,因此,也就有更多的可能发现新的问题。例子:爱因斯坦在 20 多岁就发现相对论。

    3. 新手的劣势是经验不足,而这正是老手的优势。老手在某一个领域中已经研究多年,有着丰富的相关知识和

    实践经验。考虑问题会比较全面、比较系统,而这往往是发现新问题的关键。例子:Madam Curie discover radium、

    Alexander Fleming discover penicillin.

    87 新手因为刚入门,对事物充满了好奇心,有很大挑战难题的勇气,所以可以在一定程度上排除定势思维。比如

    23 岁的遗传学家 Watson与 Crick一起发现了 DNA的 double helix 结构,而不是这方面当时更权威的一些专家。

    光的 wave theory 和 quantum theory 被发现后,许多的物理学家感到困扰。年轻的德布罗意 De Broglie

    却由此得到启发,提出了德布罗意波(相波)phase wave理论。

    在科学研究领域要有重大发现是需要一定的背景知识与丰富的经验做为基础的。bacteriologist Fleming虽然偶然

    发现了penicillin,但是如果没有他对专业知识的精通与丰富的经验?Roentgen伦琴偶然发现了 X射线,但是这是


    在经济领域,企业家家需要经过许多年的失败与成功才能更深的领悟到如何更好的治理公司,没有见过那个大公司 104

    的的总裁是 20多岁的年轻人。年轻人虽然有勇气,但是容易冲动不够稳定,不能在一个很复杂的环境中成功。


    神。比如碰到一个问题不要只是按正向思维,可以逆向思维【converse thinking】这个没想到例子!!

    87. "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important discoveries."

    【总频率 46】



    1 诚然,新手因为刚入门,对事物充满了好奇心,并且由于缺乏专业知识,所以可以在一定程度上排除定势思维。

    2 但是我认为在一个领域要有重大发现是需要一定的背景知识做为前提的。【例子,Freud developed his

    psycho-analysis approach for the treatment of psychological and emotional disorders.这个治疗方法的

    发现是建立在 Freud 深厚的心理学背景知识和多年对心理学的研究上的】牛顿的巨人观点;瓦特发明蒸汽机也是如

    此;一开始哪能马上达到正确深入的研究呢;那个 step by step的话

    3 其实要获得重大发现我认为应该结合新手和老手的优势,既要有一定的知识背景的积累,又要有新手开拓创新的

    精神。比如碰到一个问题不要只是按正向思维,可以逆向思维【converse thinking】这个没想到例子!!


    一、确实新手有一定优势,但也不能忽略专家,其实 linchpin 是 permanent efforts


    1.对已知领域,没有固定 pattern of thinking,more inspired



    4.Faraday 比 Davy 更先发现电磁感应, Gauss解决复杂数学问题


    1.Insightful vision of affairs, empirical intuition, competent professional knowledge,是长期研究中获得


    3. 因为长时间的思考更能 directed to aims,牛顿,Fleming

    四、其实无论谁,都需要 strive Yet, both beginners and experts who want to make important discoveries

    are required some quality in common that is striving.

    1.Science is so advanced

    2. 已成功的clung to their convictions steadfastly and never surrender to the harsh condition.

    3.Inspiration, experience, and proficiency make any sense only when they serve to strenuous effort

    4.rigorous adherence to the decision about persistent tough work

    87T "In any field of inquiry, the beginner is more likely than the expert to make important

    discoveries." 87. 在调查咨询领域,新手比专家更可能有重大发现

    ① Beginners have intense curiosity about the unknown and great courage to try new things, while

    experienced experts tend to be more conservative. Furthermore, beginners are highly motivated

    and enthusiastic people who are eager to establish their career and fame。如:DNA螺旋结构的发

    现者 Watson, Crick. Figure out the structure of DNA American biologist who with Francis Crick

    proposed a spiral model, the double helix, for the molecular structure of DNA. He shared a 1962

    Nobel Prize for advances in the study of genetics.

    ② 特殊问题上,若与大众意见不一致时,新手更有可能站出来。A-day-old puppy doesn't know to be afraid of

    the tiger。

    ③ 老手有更多经验。如:对隐私(intimate)、敏感(sensitive)问题的处理。