
时间:2016-03-14 10:49:00   来源:新东方在线     [字体: ]




tending=taking 挀愀爀攀 of

conducive=favorable 琀漀








题材划分: 地质类

主要内容:北美海面某种 dramatically heat 的现象。这种先现象还导致海面上升(有题问为什么上升)。 然后用洋流来解释,但是这解释有问题,因为科学家发现洋流带来30%热才能增温。但是不管是表层海水还是底层海水的检测都发现根本没这么多热,所以就进入第二段比较了厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜,厄尔尼诺是太平洋赤道带海洋和大气互相作用后失去平衡的气候现象,还说暖流移动,使cool area变暖,还和Indian比较,Indian ocean 是 cool area,有 deep sea和sea surface。史前距今五百万年的Eocene 时期在极地仍然会出现温暖的季节.厄尔尼诺还和 trade wind减弱相关。拉尼娜是海面温度异常偏冷的现象,拉尼娜和wind trade增强相关,主要是tropical ocean和atmosphere的共同作用。最后还讲了 greenhouse gas也可能是造成heat的原因, 但是要测五百万年前的二氧化破浓度的挑战性就超级难,所以证据不足不确定。有个题问了第三段和第四段的作用还是关系。


TPO-23 Urban Climates

TPO-10 Variations in the Climate


El Ni漀 is the warm phase of the El Ni漀 Southern Oscillation (commonly called ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific (between approximately the International Date Line and 120°W), including off the Pacific coast of South America. El Ni漀 Southern Oscillation refers to the cycle of warm and cold temperatures, as measured by sea surface temperature, SST, of the tropical central and eastern Pacific Ocean. El Ni漀 is accompanied by high air pressure in the western Pacific and low air pressure in the eastern Pacific. The cool phase of ENSO is called "La Ni愀" with SST in the eastern Pacific below average and air pressures high in the eastern and low in western Pacific. The ENSO cycle, both El Ni漀 and La Ni愀, causes global changes of both temperatures and rainfall. Mechanisms that cause the oscillation remain under study.

La Ni愀 is a coupled ocean-atmosphere phenomenon that is the counterpart of El Ni漀 as part of the broader El Ni漀–Southern Oscillation climate pattern. The name La Ni愀 originates from Spanish, meaning "the girl", analogous to El Ni漀 meaning "the boy". It has also in the past been called anti-El Ni漀, and El Viejo (meaning "the old man"). During a period of La Ni愀, the sea surface temperature across the equatorial Eastern Central Pacific Ocean will be lower than normal by 3–5 °C. In the United States, an appearance of La Ni愀 happens for at least five months of La Ni愀 conditions. It has extensive effects on the weather in North America, even affecting the Atlantic Hurricane Season. A La Ni愀 often, though not always, follows an El Ni漀.


题材划分: 经济发展史

主要内容: 16or17世纪的英国经济发展问题,讲英国农业如何在欧洲其他各国的农业发展之前独自发展至小康水平。当时英格兰的农业比欧洲其他国家发展的都早都好,原因是受到瘟疫和宗教的影响较小。着眼于土地及其产出方面,在欧洲之前就发生了农业革命。英格兰农场主发现农业获利很大后,就采取了高产的农产品, 新技术,把原来tenure的农民都化成了签约式的,而且签约前要交钱否则就用别人(此处有题,大概是说四个选项里哪个没有在文中提到)。还说到由于农场主采用了嫡长子继承制,所以没有土地仍然很集中,同样时间土地产运好了,还把地分割出来养牲畜。还举例如提高房租,改善耕种方式,还有开始做羊毛,并且出口至欧洲各国甚至美国。最后提到了英国的纺织产业远销欧洲和海闻,收尾的地方提到了应该产业与西班牙的染料息息相关。讲了英国驻西班牙总督的成功。


TPO-10 Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth


During the late 18th century and early 19th century, there was considerable social upheaval as a largely agrarian society was transformed by technological advances and increasing mechanization, which was the Industrial Revolution. Much of the agricultural workforce was uprooted from the countryside and moved into large urban centres of production, as the steam-based production factories could undercut the traditional cottage industries, because of economies of scale and the increased output per worker made possible by the new technologies. The consequent overcrowding into areas with little supporting infrastructure saw dramatic increases in the rate of infant mortality (to the extent that many Sunday schools for pre-working age children (5 or 6) had funeral clubs to pay for each other's funeral arrangements), crime, and social deprivation.

The transition to industrialization was not wholly seamless for workers, many of whom saw their livelihoods threatened by the process. Of these, some frequently sabotaged or attempted to sabotage factories. These saboteurs were known as "Luddites".


题材划分: 农业发展史

主要内容:讲北美new England地区agriculture,因为大部分地区都是forest不利于耕种。然后殖民者利用印第安人已经clear掉树的地区种植粮食节约劳力和时间,clear的时候水平锯到sap flow为止,树叶和树枝会自己死掉。后来由于人口增加需求增加,这些地不够用了,得自己clear。然后这种耕作不是像在欧洲那样的精耕细作,因为土壤不肥沃,就几个粮食一起种,为了produce food rapidly。后面又发现了一种可循环的ecosystem,又种grass和cattle,牛吃草,然后牛的粪便可以使土壤肥沃,还讲到了燃烧产生的potash的作用,可以制造很多东西。然后有利于粮食种植,最后形成了一个良好的循环。


TPO-21 The Origins of Agriculture


Phosphates are substances that contain phosphorus, which stimulates root development in young plants and is therefore particularly valuable for root crops. It also increases yields and speeds up plant growth generally. Phosphates are not easily lost from soil, but they mostly occur in very stable forms that are not liberated quickly enough by natural processes, so fertilisation is necessary. Traditionally, phosphate-bearing materials added to soil include bonemeal, powdered slag, and seaweed.

Potashes are substances that contain potassium which promotes disease resistance and helps to build starches and sugars. Plants tend to absorb potash during early stages of growth, and potash tends to reduce the problems caused by applying nitrogen. It also increases the weight of an individual cereal grain. Traditional potash sources included applying ash to the land and ploughing in crop residues after the harvest. Artificial potash fertilisers were not used until deposits of potash salts were discovered in Germany in 1861.