
时间:2009-04-12 20:26:00   来源:高校人才网     [字体: ]
始创于 1837 年的宝洁公司,是世界的日用消费品公司之一。在《财富》杂志最新评选出的全球 500 家工业 / 服务业企业中,名列前茅。宝洁公司全球雇员近 14 万,在全球 80 多个国家设有工厂及分公司,所经营的 300 多个品牌的产品畅销 160 多个国家和地区,其中包括织物及家居护理、美发美容、婴儿及家庭护理、健康护理、食品及饮料等

Transportation Supervisor (职位编号:CS 00001532)

Key Responsibilities:

• Be responsible for transportation supplier daily management

• Lead transportation suppliers to achieve Key Performance Indicators (

KPIs) and deliver

reliable service to customers

• Optimize transportation process with relevant resource to improve ope

ration efficiency

and reduce cost

• Keep positive relationship with internal and external customers

Qualifications Required:

• Bachelor degree

• Good command of English is required (both oral and written)

• Competent user of Microsoft word, excel and PowerPoint etc.

• Strong communication and problem solving skills

• Any logistics background/experience is preferred

• Work location will be in 奉贤区 , Shanghai ( 有班车接送 )

If you are interested in our position, please visit our website at http://www.pg.com.cn,

and click on“宝洁招聘” -> “Non-Management” -> “行政人员职位” to apply for this position on line.

You can search the job by using the job number also.

Before starting your application please read the “网上申请指南” for instruction.